Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #22

Lupus can be an expensive disease. The mean annual cost to provide healthcare for a person with lupus ranged from $12,000 to $62,000 depending on disease manifestation.

Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #21

Women with lupus are at increased risk for loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) and are nearly five times more likely to experience a fracture.

Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #20

A significant number of people with lupus will experience some type of nervous system complication, ranging from mild confusion or memory loss to strokes and seizures.

Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #19

People with lupus should eat a nutritious, well-balanced, and varied diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and moderate amounts of fish and lean meats. Lifestyle adjustments should always include quitting smoking, as tobacco products can cause flares of lupus symptoms.

Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #18

People with lupus are usually encouraged to engage in appropriate daily exercise in order to maintain muscle and bone strength. Care should be taken, however, to balance exercise with rest.

Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #17

Put On Purple May 17Research shows lupus is more pervasive and more severe than people think. You can change that.

Put On Purple on May 17, 2013 for lupus awareness and tell people why. Use the tools below to help the Lupus Foundation of America raise awareness of lupus and show support for those who suffer from its brutal impact.

Lupus can be an expensive disease. The mean annual cost to provide healthcare for a person with lupus ranged from $12,000 to $62,000 depending on disease manifestation.

Rheumatologist appointment today

I will be going to see my rheumatologist this morning. I always get anxious going to the doctor of any kind, because, as a mom of 4, 2 of which have Autism, I have seen my share of doctors through the years.  Thankfully, my primary, Dr. L is amazing and he referred me to Dr. M who is also awesome. I have been fortunate that they did not poo-poo my symptoms and have actually listened to me through the diagnosis process. I am having a way different experience than most that I have read from others online. I had just two appointments with Dr. L and he did blood work and immediately referred me to a rheumatologist. I was fortunate to get an appointment with Dr. M within 2 weeks, so I definitely am thankful for this.

I was so afraid when I went to my first appointment with the rheumatologist.  I was so afraid that they would tell me that my symptoms were all in my head, that I just needed to exercise more and eat right. Instead, Dr. M listened to me, and did nothing of the sort.  He started me immediately on Prednisone for a 2 week trial so we could see if it made a difference in my symptoms. It did, but not enough. So, even without another appointment, he put me on Plaquenil, this past Monday, so it has not had a chance to start working yet. Hopefully, he will have a treatment plan for me today.

I will update this post once I get back.

Lupus Awareness Month – Fact of the Day #16

More than 90 percent of people with lupus will experience joint and/or muscle pain that can be disabling.